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    Claudia Roden, Gary Mehigan (MasterChef Australia, Gok Wan and more…By Andrea Pafitis-HillLEMONGRASS AND GINGER (Duncan Baird Publishers, R303) Leemei Tan, author of food blog, My Cooking Hut, gives…

    Ariana Bundy, Karen Dudley, Jared Ingersoll and more…By Andrea Pafitis-HillOCCASIONS (Human & Rousseau, R200) François Ferreira heads up the Eden School of Culinary Arts in George and is…

    TO DRINK: The crisp grassiness of Sauvignon Blanc is great with mussels COOK’S TIP If fresh mussels aren’t available, frozen mussels in the half shell will work just…

    Print Recipe Madeleines Serves: 36 Cooking Time: 30 mins Ingredients butter, for greasing 4 extra-large eggs 2 extra-large egg yolks 135g castor sugar (or 20g honey + 75g sugar) 135g cake flour 8g yeast 150g butter, melted zest of 2 organic lemons and juice of 1 Instructions 1 Preheat the oven to 210°C and grease

    Easily one of the most iconic meat dishes in all of cooking. Boeuf bourguignon is perfect every time. A delicious, filling and robust stew that’s especially amazing in winter.