Print Recipe Patty-pan smoothies Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 10 mins Ingredients 3 pattypans, roughly chopped 1 banana juice of 1 naartjie ¼ (about 500g) spanspek orange fleshed melon 2 peaches, roughly chopped 170g vanilla yoghurt fresh mint leaves, to garnish Instructions 1 Blitz all of the ingredients together in a blender until smooth. 2 Serve
Introducing the new Five Roses Infusions range! Each variant has their own unique flavour and each flavour has a story to tell. Read the booklet below! Plus a…
“I absolutely love the delicious and subtle taste added to your food by smoking it over hot wood chips. I’m addicted to smoked bacon and smoked salmon, but…
Print Recipe Lettuce leaves with meat-free mince By Fry’s Family Foods – Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 35 minutes Ingredients 15ml (1 tbsp) olive oil 3 spring onions, ?nely sliced + extra, to serve 2 fresh red chillies, chopped 30ml (2 tbsp) ginger, grated 4 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed 1 box Fry’s Meat Free Mince
Recipe by Taryne Jakobi “Be warned – the process of making these can get a little messy but, after that, the hardest part of this recipe is waiting…