Everything you need to know about using agar-agar, the wonder setting agent that’s super stable and vegan-friendly. What is agar-agar? Agar-agar (also known as agar) is a natural…
Vegan mayo you say? Winning! We wanted to make a vegan mayo that was thick, luscious and creamy so that anyone can enjoy chips, sandwiches or even spoonfuls…
Infusing oils is a brilliant way to add layers of flavour to your favourite dishes. And they’re easy peasy to make! Simply heat together a vibrant combo of…
These homemade marshmallows are the best you will ever taste! Make these to give as gifts, enjoy them with your hot chocolate or include them in an Easter treat…
20 ingredient substitutes to make your life easier! Have you ever suddenly gotten the urge to bake a cake or get a little more creative with your dinner,…