• Peanut butter and dark chocolate dipped fruit The perfect vegan sweet treat for summer! PREP TIME 10 minutes | TOTAL TIME 45 minutes | SERVES 4 | VEGAN  INGREDIENTS 1 punnet kiwis, halved  1 punnet figs, halved lengthways 1 punnet strawberries, whole 1 ½ cups natural vegan peanut butter, warmed 1 ½ cups vegan chocolate, melted 2 tbsp coconut oil, melted ¼ cup peanuts, chopped 1 tbsp edible flower petals 1 tbsp sea salt flakes ¼ cup pistachios, chopped METHOD LINE a tray with baking paper and assemble the kiwis, figs and strawberries on the tray. PLACE peanut butter…

    It was a big night for chef and restaurateur David Higgs at the 2022 Eat Out Woolworths Restaurant Awards. Marble Restaurant was awarded 1 star, Zioux Lounge was awarded 2 stars, and Marble was awarded the Eat Out VISI Style Award – an incredible feat! READ MORE: Here’s to the winners of the 2022 Eat Out Woolworths Restaurant Awards! In his acceptance speech, Higgs announced that Cape Town will be getting its very own Marble experience next year. Take a look at what Capetonians have to look forward to: View this post on Instagram A post shared by…

    Nuts are generally agreed to be one of the best sources of protein for those on a plant-based diet. That being said, nuts are an essential part of any person’s diet due to the many health benefits that they provide. In this article, we talk about some of the most popular nuts and why they are important for a healthy diet. Almonds These are not just good as a plant-based milk alternative. Almonds are full of protein, monounsaturated fats (i.e. the good kind!) and are rich in heart-healthy minerals like magnesium and potassium as well as calcium and iron. This…

    Lianne Scher, local food artisan, author and jeweller, has taken artful breadmaking to new heights with her exquisite gallery of sourdough loaves. Baked to perfection, dusted with flour and transformed into her canvas, Scher blends the lines between art and a fresh loaf of bread. From Pablo Picasso on rye to Frida’s Kahlo’s self portrait on sourdough, let’s explore some of the artist baker Lianne Scher’s phenomenal creations: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Lianne Scher (@lianne_scher) “I loved doing this sour dough self portrait of Frida Kahlo which was dedicated to Dr Leo Eloesser, 1940.” Says…

    On 15 November, the two winners of the Food Planet award from the ten selected finalists from all over the world were announced. The Curt Bergfors Food Planet Prize is the largest monetary award in the global food arena and in 2022 it’s now also the world’s biggest environmental award that is all about food. The two change-making initiatives that were deemed most deserving to receive 2 million dollars to scale their impact were Coldhubs from Nigeria and the Global Mangrove Alliance from the USA. Among the ten hopeful finalists was another African based food and environmental solution – South Africa’s…