• A petit four is a small, bite-size confectionery sweet, but it can be savoury too. Originally from France, petit four in French means “small oven”. Below, we share our…

    Print Recipe Grilled polenta with spinach and roasted garlic Serves: 6 Cooking Time: 45 mins Ingredients 12 garlic cloves, skin on olive/avocado oil, for drizzling 200g baby leaf spinach 200g polenta 800ml vegetable stock 60g butter 200g Parmesan, freshly grated salt, to taste Instructions 1 Preheat the oven to 180°C. 2 Place the garlic cloves
    Print Recipe Salmon fishcakes with warm cucumber sauce Serves: 2 Cooking Time: 40 mins Ingredients Fishcakes 200g salmon, finely diced 5 ml (1 tsp) fresh chives, snipped 45ml (3 tbsp) spring onions, chopped 100g potatoes, boiled and finely diced 60ml (¼ cup) peas, cooked 15ml (1 tbsp) lemon zest 30ml (2 tbsp) breadcrumbs 30ml (2

    It might have them in its name, but this frangipane apple tart doesn’t actually contain any flowers. Instead, frangipane refers to a distinctively delicious almond paste that’s the…