• In our family, a fool is called “silly-pants”, so blueberry fool is blueberry silly-pants. Perfect for children or last-minute entertaining, this dessert is a healthy alternative to a…

    These edible containers can be filled with goodies to make festive canapés.• FOR BREAD CUPS preheat the oven to 180°C. Cut the crusts off several slices of bread. Roll the bread out gently with a rolling pan, then ease it carefully into the openings of a small-hole muffin tray to form cups. Bake until golden. You can use sheets of wonton pastry instead of bread. • FOR SUGAR CUPS melt 200g (1 cup) sugar until it caramelises. Gently pour into well-greased muffin cases so that it coats the sides. Leave to cool and form cups. • FOR CHOCOLATE CUPS melt…