Recipe by Jamie Oliver I use chocolate Flakes for this as they’re very similar to the bars that bakers use to make their pain au chocolat, but any…
Leila decided to give her cheesecake a twist and says, “This cheesecake isn’t overly sweet but combines an added hint of earthy cocoa by adding a dark chocolate…
Print Recipe White chocolate and lavender scones Serves: 12 scones Cooking Time: 30 mins Ingredients 1 quantity of scone mixture OR 40g (¼ cup) butter, cubed 280g (2 cups) self-raising flour, sifted a pinch of salt 5ml (1 tsp) organic dried lavender, crushed 60ml (¼ cup) white chocolate chips 1 large egg 200ml fresh pouring
Receip from Somewhere Over the Kitchen by Beatrix Horváth-Gallai SOMEWHEREOVERTHEKITCHEN.BLOGSPOT.COM Beatrix Horváth-Gallai is an architect living in Hungary who has fallen in love with cooking and food photography…