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    Food & Home Entertaining Staff


    Three-cheese soufflé might sound a little intimidating, but this savoury twist on a traditionally sweet pastry is easy and delicious. This lighter-than-air soufflé is a great dish if…

    Print Recipe Escargot from your garden Serves: 6 – 8 snails per person Cooking Time: 5 days (for the snails) + 40 minutes prep time Ingredients escargot handful of fine salt bouquet of garni splash of white wine vinegar handful of cracked peppercorns garlic butter, to serve Instructions 1 Collect as many snails as you
    Print Recipe Meringues Ingredients Meringues are made by gradually mixing castor sugar into beaten egg whites. For hard meringues (macaroons) use 1 large egg white to 50g sugar. For soft meringues (tarts and puddings) use 1 large egg white to 25g sugar. Instructions 1 Eggs should be at room temperature and utensils should be clean