• Blanch, peel, seed and finely chop 4 large Rosa tomatoes. Place in a pan together with 15ml (1 tbsp) verjuice, 1 seeded and finely chopped red chilli, 5ml (1 tsp) crushed coriander seeds, 2,5ml (½ tsp) ground cumin, half a red pepper, seeded and finely chopped, 2 finely chopped garlic cloves, 125ml (½ cup) olive oil and the juice of half a lemon. Fry gently, stirring continuously, for about 10 minutes. Stir though 45ml (3 tbsp) chopped fresh coriander and 20ml (4 tsp) chopped fresh mint. Devein and butterfly 24 king prawns. Place on a baking tray and season well…

    For a more substantial meal, you could serve these eggs with crispy pancetta or bacon and oven-roasted tomatoes. COOK’S TIP For the best results when poaching, use the freshest possible…

    Cut vegetables such as beetroot, parsnips and carrots into thin wedges, and sweet potatoes and peeled butternut into thin rounds. Toss in cake flour and shake off the excess. Coat in beaten egg and dip into freshly milled Parmesan cheese. Deep-fry in batches until golden brown, about 2 – 3 minutes on each side. Drain well and season with black pepper and crushed dried red chilli (optional). Serve with wasabi mayonnaise or garlic-roasted chicken and a crisp, green, bitter-leaf salad. COOK’S TIP Always use freshly grated Parmesan rather than the readygrated variety that you can buy in tubs at supermarkets.

    Chef Floris Smith has put Bushmans Kloof on the global culinary map, with earthy local flavours that match the wild landscape of the Cederberg region. By Rosanne Buchanan…

    One of the most popular alcoholic beverages in Italy, Limoncello is known for its unique tart flavour. Not as bitter as pure lemon juice, it still packs a…