• Rudi’s tips • To make 500ml rendered duck fat, combine 1kg duck fat (ask your butcher) with 500ml water in a large, heavy-based pot. Bring to a simmer on low heat. Do not boil, as the fat will burn. Simmer gently until the water evaporates, leaving the rendered fat behind. Strain while hot and set aside until needed. • For alternative flavours, add a few cloves to the duck marinade, or 2 star anise, or some grated fresh ginger. • The oven temperature must remain very low when roasting, or the meat will end up tough and stringy. • This…

    Print Recipe Aurelie’s veggie patties Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 20 Mins Ingredients 150g red beans, cooked 150g butter beans, cooked 150g lentils, cooked 15ml (1 tbsp) olive oil 2 spring onions, chopped 2 garlic cloves, crushed 3g ginger root, grated 1 sprig of fresh thyme, leaves only 5ml (1 tsp) wholegrain mustard 10ml (2 tsp)