• GLAD is a wonderful kitchen helper; whether you’re preparing, cooking, storing or even controlling meal portions, you can count on GLAD! Why not try out these nifty tricks with your GLAD hamper?

    • For easy-peel garlic, slice off the flat end of the bulb, exposing all the cloves, cover with GLAD Wrap and microwave on HIGH for one minute. When cool, remove the wrap and squeeze!
    • Make pumpkin easy to cut – wrap large pieces in GLAD Wrap, cook on High/100% for 1-2 minutes in your microwave. Let stand for 5 minutes, remove GLAD Wrap and cut.
    • Portion bulk meat into smaller parcels in GLAD Wrap; the parcels are easier to defrost and often easier to store too!
    • When reheating food in the microwave, cover loosely with GLAD Wrap to keep the moisture in – don’t pierce the wrap and always remove away from you letting the steam escape.

    hampers from GLAD Wrap

    WIN! Five lucky readers will stand a chance to win a GLAD hamper worth R500 each. Each hamper will comprise an assortment of the GLAD products shown in this image. To enter, simply complete the entry form below. Competition terms and conditions apply. Competition ends 12 March 2017.

    [gravityform id=”52″ title=”true” description=”true”]

    This competition is now closed.

    Imka Webb

    Imka Webb is a freelance digital marketing expert and the digital editor of Food & Home Entertaining magazine.  www.imkawebb.com