Print Recipe Khoresh bademjan Serves: 4 – 6 Cooking Time: 1½ – 2 hrs Ingredients 1 onion, sliced or chopped 15ml (1 tbsp) olive oil + extra, for brushing 1,5kg lamb knuckle, roughly chopped 4 – 5 sun-dried limes, skin pierced salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 5ml (1 tsp) turmeric 2,5ml (½
Definitely to be enjoyed with a cup of strong coffee! Chocolate, orange and hazelnut ravioli biscuits are a combination of perfect flavours: rich, zesty and earthy.
Print Recipe Popcorn and marshmallow cake Serves: 1 cake Cooking Time: 20 mins plus overnight for setting Ingredients Base 50ml butter 400g marshmallows 7 cups cooked popcorn Topping 200g marshmallows 500ml (2 cups) cooked popcorn sweets of your choice 80ml (1/3 cup) castor sugar, melted Instructions 1 Line a 20cm tin with silicone paper. 2
Print Recipe Chicken, haloumi and preserved lemon skewers Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 40 mins Ingredients 2 x 200g chicken breast fillets, trimmed and cut into pieces 500g haloumi, cut into pieces 60ml (¼ cup) lemon juice 30ml (2 tbsp) olive oil 30ml (2 tbsp) chopped preserved lemon rind 2 garlic cloves, crushed sea salt and