Print Recipe Cranberry-glazed duck breast with green apple salad Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 40 mins Ingredients DUCK 4 duck breasts salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 60ml (¼ cup) cranberry jelly SALAD 4 Granny Smith apples, finely sliced 1 spring onion, finely sliced 500g fresh watercress juice of 1 small lemon olive/avocado oil
Print Recipe Spun sugar Cooking Time: 25 mins Ingredients 360g glucose 200g white granulated Instructions 1 Place the glucose and sugar in a pot over high heat. Remove from heat when the sugar has melted and reached boiling point. 2 Dip a fork into the pot at a 45-degree angle in an aired kitchen and
Pair with the Cracker Lekker (page 71, December 2014). A classic flavour pairing of coffee and orange.
Print Recipe Honey-coated mixed nuts with cheese By Thulisa Martins – Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 5 mins Ingredients 150g SPAR Mixed Nuts 50g SPAR Honey SPAR Cheddar or cheese or your choice Instructions 1 Heat the honey and nuts in a saucepan over medium heat until the honey fully coats the nuts, 3 minutes. Serve
Print Recipe Berry ice cream served with spiced biscotti Serves: 30 biscotti Cooking Time: 2 hours plus extra for freezing Ingredients Biscotti 240g (2 cups) cake flour 210g (1 cup) castor sugar 10ml (2 tsp) baking powder 100g pecan nuts, chopped 100g dried cranberries 100g almonds 100g dried apricots, chopped 100g candied orange peel 10ml