• This summer, we’re loving sherbets! Not the powdery, sticky finger-inducing sherbets of our childhoods, but the icy type, which is somewhere between a sorbet and an ice cream. This spiced peach sherbet is utterly refreshing and the perfect way to cool down during the warm summer season! Strictly speaking, sorbets don’t contain any dairy, and ice creams are cream-based. Sherbets are fruity and contain a little milk fat – the perfect canvas for experimenting with interesting flavour combinations.  ALSO TRY: Lemongrass and basil sherbet AND: Cherry, rosehip and hibiscus sherbet

    The mood is smart but not pretentious; the look is rural heritage with a fresh, sophisticated edge. But, mostly, people are talking about Open Door Restaurant because modern Constantia food is back on the map…  At Open Door, you’ll probably pass a few diners wearing designer clothing on your way to the Art Deco-inspired central bar. Eavesdrop on table conversations and you may hear chatter about skiing trips or stints in European summer homes. Open Door is in a classy neighbourhood on Constantia Uitsig wine farm, where people tend to have time and old money. The farm dates back to…

    Pulled pork belly is a rich and luxurious meat dish that’s perfect for a dinner party or any time you’re feeling particularly fancy. It’s certainly an unusual preparation method,…

    “Irresistible” is the only word to describe these gooey, chocolaty hazelnut brownies, especially since they’re not even particularly bad for you! Unlike traditional brownies, these treats contain almost…

    Prawn and sweetcorn “risotto” is an imitation of traditional risotto that’s healthier and just as delicious. If you’re trying to include more protein and minerals in your diet or just want a delicious, flavourful meal, this is definitely for you. Nutritional facts: Is it possible that there could be a tastier way to obtain superior protein with a zero carbohydrate count than prawns? PRAWNS are low in calories, have virtually no fat and are considered a “complete” protein, meaning all nine amino acids are present. Regarded as part of a heart-healthy diet, this excellent quality protein has half the calories…