Rustic and filling, butternut pansotti with buttery wild mushrooms, rosemary and pecan nuts won’t take you longer than half an hour to make. Perfect for post-work laziness, this done-in-a-flash dinner will keep you happy and satisfied. Click here for more great supper on the double recipes.
Warm cannellini bean salad with herbs, vine tomatoes & asparagus is a healthy, delicious and even non-meat option for a quick and easy weekday night meal. It’s very…
Prawn, papaya, raspberry and red cabbage salad is bright, sweet, and refreshing. The light prawn meat is perfect with these succulent fruits, and red cabbage adds some beautiful earthiness. Perfect for a light lunch.
This grilled pork, litchi and green salad with a soy sauce dressing, pairs perfectly with a cold Guinness.
The best polenta recipe on the Internet – fragrant olive and roseary polenta served with tomato, basil and sprout salad. Pairs well with Tokara Sauvignon Blanc.
So, the menu is sorted and the guests are on their way, but you still feel that an added twist could make the meal even more special. Serve this honeycomb and cashew nut flavoured cream as a yummy pudding, a spice rub to those delicious potatoes, meat or veggies, or a delicious, zesty flavoured butter to steaks or fish.