TO DRINK: Go for Klein Constantia Riesling 2008, a deliciously dry and concentrated wine made from the real riesling grape.
Although it once referred to an immature male chicken, the word ‘spatchcock’ now denotes a specific preparation method. This spatchcock chicken with blue cheese and sage served with a berry and port sauce has the backbone removed and is flattened out. Cooking time is therefore reduced, and you end up with a crispier, delicious bird.
Middle Eastern baba ganoush is taken a step further with roasted garlic, which imparts a mellow earthy flavour to complement the crunch of toasted pine nuts. Serve with heaps of grilled ciabatta brushed with extra virgin olive oil – this is food for sharing. TO DRINK: Tokara Chardonnay 2005’s tropical flavours and hint of lemon will accentuate the nutty character of the dish
Flavoured honey So incredibly easy to prepare and they look fab stacked on a kitchen counter. Make a few bottles of flavoured honey to keep the kitchen pantry…