Eating to live or living to eat? One could be forgiven for believing the Australians spend their lives concentrating on the latter, such is the wealth of their fresh produce, culinary communicators, chefs and restaurants.ANGELA LLOYD An event such as Tasting Australia sits naturally with such a culture. This bi-annual celebration of food and wine was launched in 1997, the recent 2007 event marking its 10th anniversary. As the official programme noted, it’s “Ten Years… and Growing”. The festival was the brainchild of Ian Parmenter, an expat British journalist passionate about food who approached the South Australian government. Adelaide, the…
Simple tips for smart food…Pour 125ml dry white wine, 125ml water, 20ml chopped fresh dill, 40ml chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley and 2 finely chopped spring onions in a…
Simple tips for smart food…For the marinade, mix well 120ml soy sauce, 10ml honey, 20ml sesame oil, 2 finely chopped garlic cloves, 20ml grated ginger, and salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Put 1kg beef fillet in a shallow dish and pour over the marinade ingredients. Marinate overnight. Lightly seal the fillet on all sides, and finish cooking in the oven to your liking. Once the fillet is cooked, leave to rest for 10 minutes. In the meantime, chop 250ml fresh coriander, 120ml fresh flat-leaf parsley and 50ml fresh mint. Mix the herbs together and spread on wax…
With Ginja, his inner city Cape Town restaurant constantly full, Mike Bassett has branched out to the leafy suburbs to open his new restaurant, Myoga, at the Vineyard…
Bavarois, otherwise known as bavarian cream or crème bavaroise is a dessert cream that is especially delicious when flavored with fruit. Our version combines the tartness of green apple with creamy sweetness to create a world-class dessert. Green apple bavarois takes a little effort to construct, but the final result is a gorgeously elegant dessert that’s perfect for a dinner party.
Traditionally a stiff mixture of gin with the merest hint of dry vermouth, a martini could be described as “astringent” at best. Something of an acquired taste, it…
Cold lemon mousse is a French dessert that goes well with vanilla shortbread on the side. You can put the mixture into 4 small ramekins or anything you think might make a fun presentation. Lovely, light, zesty and elegant!
Serves 4 When making gnocchi rather steam your potatoes than boil them to avoid the potatoes being too watery. Use 500g potatoes and once they are cooked, mash…
Here’s how to make the perfect sushi rice: Wash 400g Japanese shortgrain rice thoroughly until the water runs clear – this is a very important step. Leave the rice to drain in a sieve for about 20 minutes. In a heavy-bottomed pot add 450ml water and the rice, and cover with a tight-fitting lid. Bring to the boil over medium heat. Do not open the lid during cooking. Once it has boiled turn the heat to high and continue cooking for a further 5 minutes. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for another 10 minutes. In the meantime prepare…
For committed cooks and food lovers there is an exciting immediacy about food markets. The freshness of the ingredients challenges you to use them as soon as possible…