• Making biscuit decorations is a great activity to do with kids: fill bowls with different coloured icings and toppings, and let them decorate and be creative.

    Festive iced biscuits

    Serves: 30 decorations
    Cooking Time: 30 mins



    • 200g butter
    • 100g castor sugar
    • 300g cake flour
    • a pinch of salt

    • 2 egg whites
    • ±500g icing sugar



    Preheat the oven to 150°C. Line 2 baking trays with greaseproof paper.


    Mix the butter and sugar together, and add the sifted flour and salt to form a biscuit dough.


    Roll out the biscuit dough to 5mm thickness and cut out desired shapes using festive cutters. Place the cut-outs on the greased baking trays and bake until lightly golden and cooked through, 5 – 7 minutes.


    Remove the biscuits from the oven. Immediately pierce the top of each biscuit with a skewer, to make a hole. When they are all pierced, place the biscuits on a wire rack to cool.


    To make the icing, beat the egg whites to stiff peak stage and slowly add 15ml (1 tbsp) of icing sugar at a time, until you have a thick, glossy icing. Make sure it is of piping consistency; if it is a little thick, add a drop of water.


    Place icing in a piping bag and pipe decorations. Thin the icing with a little water if you would like it to be runnier.

    ALSO SEE: Spiced chocolate cheesecake with Christmas-cake crust

    Spiced chocolate cheesecake with Christmas-cake crust


    Imka Webb is a freelance digital marketing expert and the digital editor of Food & Home Entertaining magazine.  www.imkawebb.com

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