TO DRINK: A medium-bodied Semillon isn’t overtly fruity and its lemony notes don’t overpower subtle dishes
Gnocchi is so simple to make and such a popular dish. The roasted beetroot adds a sweet earthiness to it, while the crispy, salty pancetta balances the smooth…
This Thai-inspired red curry sweet potato soup has just enough hotness to warm up a cold winter’s night. Coconut cream takes the edge off the spicy flavours, and adds…
Based in Johannesburg, Lila Bultel manages her own French culinary business, focused on providing exclusive catering, French cooking, and pâtisserie master classes and workshops. Speciality ingredients for her…
Print Recipe Madeleines Serves: 36 Cooking Time: 30 mins Ingredients butter, for greasing 4 extra-large eggs 2 extra-large egg yolks 135g castor sugar (or 20g honey + 75g sugar) 135g cake flour 8g yeast 150g butter, melted zest of 2 organic lemons and juice of 1 Instructions 1 Preheat the oven to 210°C and grease