• What makes this Thai fillet served with chilli peanut noodles special? Definitely the seasoning! These zesty, tangy, fresh flavours are popular in most Thai cuisine, and make a huge difference to the meat. A delicious and filling main.

    Recipe by Sue Greig
    Photograph by Graeme Borchers
    Styling by Anna Montali

    Thai fillet served with chilli peanut noodles

    Serves: 6
    Cooking Time: 40 minutes plus extra for marinating


    • Watercress raita

    • 200ml Greek yoghurt
    • 100g watercress, finely chopped
    • 1 garlic clove, finely chopped
    • salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
    • Fillet

    • 100g watercress, roughly chopped
    • 18 mint leaves
    • generous pinch of salt
    • 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
    • 2 green chillies, seeded and finely sliced
    • 45ml fresh lime juice
    • 15ml castor sugar
    • 15ml ginger, grated
    • 15ml fish sauce
    • 1kg beef fillet
    • lime wedges, to serve
    • Sauce

    • 60ml peanut butter
    • 125ml peanut oil
    • 60ml rice vinegar
    • 45ml light soy sauce
    • 45ml runny honey
    • 5ml minced chilli
    • Noodles

    • 500g egg noodles, cooked



    For the raita, mix all the ingredients and refrigerate until needed.


    For the fillet, place the watercress, mint, salt, garlic and chillies in a food processor and whiz until finely chopped.


    Add the lime juice, castor sugar, ginger and fish sauce, and process to form a paste.


    Coat the fillet evenly with the paste and leave to marinate for at least 20 minutes or overnight.


    For the sauce, combine all the ingredients and cook on a low heat for 5 minutes. Set aside. Prepare the coals for the braai.


    Braai the fillet until cooked to your liking.


    Put the noodles in a mixing bowl and pour the sauce over. Toss to combine.


    Serve the fillet sliced on a bed of noodles with the raita sauce.


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